Improving the quality of students is very important in supporting skills, in preparation for facing the need for skilled workers in the industrial environment. Knowledge that is the latest and widely applied in industry should be taught in schools, so that schools will be compatible with industry. This means that what is used in industry is also used in schools. With the linkage of this knowledge, it will have quite a big impact on students, namely sufficient knowledge to prepare for work in industry. So that many graduates from vocational schools will be absorbed into industry. One example is in the field of machinery, namely the use of Computer Numerically Control (CNC) machines. This community service program is a continuation of the advanced service program, where students are familiar with the CNC programming simulator using Mastercam. This collaboration has been carried out by the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, which collaborates with the PGRI – Jatisari vocational high school, Karawang-West Java. “This collaboration is a valuable opportunity for FT UMB to apply and disseminate academic knowledge in the form of Community Service to the real world, with an impact that is directly felt by PGRI-Jatisari Vocational School students in particular and society in general,” said lecturer in mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Subekti in an official statement, Friday (30/6/2023). This training activity was held on March 8 2023, from 9 to 12 WIB. In this activity, material and practice related to the use of CNC Milling were delivered. Training is very useful for PGRI – Jatisari vocational high school workers to improve skills in using the master cam. The training was carried out for students who were interested in taking part in basic CNC Milling training, which was attended by approximately 20 PGRI-Jatisari Vocational School students. The codes used to operate this CNC milling/milling machine are code G and code M. On the milling machine there are 3 axes that can move simultaneously, namely the X, Y and Z axes. The movement of this machine is designed to be coordinated to obtain a certain trajectory, so that it can It is called a continuous axis or contouring axis. The Z axis is oriented along with the rotational movement of the spindle, the 1.
CNC Milling Training in the Context of Improving the Quality of Vocational School Students’ Education – PGRI Jatisari Karawang
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