Water Resources Development Potential
Water is one of the natural resources that has a very important function for life and the life of all living things on this earth, including. Life begins or originates from water, all life will continue to grow and develop. Without water, all life processes will not take place, so the availability of water is an important element in life. As well as providing raw water, irrigation and industrial water, etc., this is a main concern and priority. Water is a human right; meaning, every human being on this earth has the same basic rights to use water, in accordance with the use of water guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
Potential of Water Resources
Potential water resources can come from several sources, such as surface water, river water, lakes, reservoirs, swamp and beach water and sea water. Based on the place of origin, water resource potential is divided into 2, namely surface water resource potential and ground water resource potential. Surface water is water found on the surface of the earth. Meanwhile ground water is the amount of water stored in the soil layers, where the water is stored in the soil layers after the surface water moves through the aeration zone and is retained by capillary forces in the soil pores.
Potential surface water resources
Surface water resources are all types of water that are on the surface of the earth. This type of water resources can be seen visually, such as sea water, river water, reservoir water or lakes. As previously explained, of the total amount of water on the earth’s surface, 97% is in the form of oceans, 2.7% is in the form of icebergs, both at the North and South Poles as well as groundwater content, and the remaining 0.3% is water that is in d] rivers, reservoirs or lakes. 0.3% of surface water is cyclic water. Namely having a cycle with a circular pattern (KBBI – 2018). For more details, see the hydrological cycle in the image below.
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